Publications Review and Examination Copies of Publications from TheCapitol.Net
Review Copies for Journalists and Bloggers
We provide review copies of our books to legitimate reviewers. If you blog or regularly write reviews of books for relevant audiences, contact us for a review copy.
When making your review copy request, provide the following information:
The title of the book you want to review.
The name of the periodical or blog where the review will appear.
The web site / URL of the the periodical or blog where the review will appear.
Links to previous reviews by you.
Our publications have been reviewed by various periodicals and blogs.
Review Copy Request Form
Review Copies for Professors and Teachers
Thank you for your interest in using a title from TheCapitol.Net in your classroom. Most of our authored publications are used in college courses, both undergraduate and graduate-level courses.
All of our publications are available for purchase for classroom use from all major book distributors and jobbers, or directly from us at a discount from the single copy price for paid orders of 10 or more copies.
When making your examination
review copy request, provide the following information:
The title and level of the course the book will be evaluated for and the number of course sessions. If the course can not be found on your school's web site, please fax or mail a copy of the catalog description.
URL of course description or syllabus.
Expected enrollment for each session.
Adoption decision date.
Whether an individual or committee will make the adoption decision.
Whether the likelihood of adoption is Excellent, Good, Slim, or None.
Complete contact information (your title, school name and address, email, phone, and office hours) (please provide an explanation if the professor's name can not be found on the school's web site).
Information about your school's bookstore, including name, phone number, and text buyer's name.
When we receive a paid order for a minimum of twenty five copies of a title for a class, we will provide the professor with one desk copy. If requested by the professor or by the bookstore, we will provide an additional desk copy (for teaching assistants, etc.) for every additional twenty-five copies of the title ordered and paid for. Please note that all orders must be prepaid and this policy only applies to books ordered directly from us - if you order from a jobber or distributor, contact them to discuss their desk copy policy.
You can also mail
(TheCapitol.Net, PO Box 25706, Alexandria, VA 22313-5706) your
Examination Review Copy request on school letterhead with the information and payment outlined above.
Please note: Incomplete requests are rarely approved.
Exam copies of our books are sent via UPS Ground shipping
or USPS Priority Mail to a university or school street address only.
Examination and desk copies are subject to the approval of the Academic Sales Manager.
Review Copy Request Form
Our SAN: 853-0513
Titles used in college or graduate school courses as primary or supplementary texts