Public Courses | |||||||||
Our popular Congressional Operations courses discuss Congressional leadership, how a bill becomes law, how Congress really works and how it works with the White House. You'll also gain insight about federal agencies and the media. More
Our Federal Budgeting courses help students understand the congressional and federal budget process, and the difference between authorizations and appropriations. More
Our Writing Workshops can you improve one of your most visible and important job skills: written communication. More
These comprehensive overviews help you understand the new Congress, Presidential budget review, or Capitol Hill in just three days. More
Gain practical, real-world research skills that you can put to use immediately. Discover ways to use print and online resources from professionals who understand legislative, legal and regulatory research. More
Our professional development courses and workshops can help you get better job reviews and performance evaluations, and prepare you for greater responsibilities. More
National Security and Intelligence
Unclassified courses open to the public, from Open IntellAcademy ®. More
Our communication and advocacy training teaches students how to develop their message, improve their writing and advance their presentation skills. This training helps anyone who needs a writing refresher, is preparing or delivering congressional testimony, is presenting executive briefings or trying to persuade their boss, colleagues or congressional staff. More
Our Fellows Training is designed to supplement and complement the Fellowship programs of federal agencies, the military, and other organizations. More
Be prepared when you present tetsimony before Congress. More
Our Media Training courses show you how to work productively with the media as part of ongoing education and advocacy. Attendees receive supportive text and materials including our Media Relations Handbook. More
These popular courses show students how the White House and OMB work with both agencies and Congress. We will teach you how to research regulations and rules while gaining practical knowledge about the regulatory process. More
Gain practical skills and guidance in ways to productively work with Members of Congress or congressional staff in person or through advocacy efforts. We'll explore what works and what doesn't, along with actions that can help and hurt your cause. More
If you don't have time to attend our live courses hosted in Washington, DC, we can come to you. Learn about our alternative training formats that explore how Washington works. TM More
TheCapitol.Net publishes hands-on books for practitioners, written by subject matter experts in law, media relations, and government affairs, that show how Washington works. TM
You name the topic, we'll build a training program.TheCapitol.Net can tailor any of its courses for you and your staff. We'll bring your custom-made program to your site for convenience and confidentiality. We have tailored hundreds of programs forWe also offer "Legislative Day" training for Associations.To have an on-site training program designed exclusively for your organization, for more information:
- Government agencies
- Embassies
- Fortune 500 companies
- Military
- Nonprofits
- Law and lobbying firms
- Associations and coalitions
Call us: 202-678-1600, ext 115
TheCapitol.Net is a non-partisan firm, and the opinions of its faculty, authors, clients and of the owners and operators of its vendors are their own and do not represent those of TheCapitol.Net.URL: www.TheCapitol.Net/PublicPrograms/
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