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Course Details |
The Path of Legislation
Politics and Leadership in Congress
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All statements and discussion at all of our courses, workshops and seminars, public and custom, are off the record and not for attribution, unless specified otherwise. The resulting confidentiality ensures a frank and free exchange of views.
Fax or Mail: Print out and complete the registration form (in Adobe pdf). The completed form should include your method of payment.
Fax the completed form to us at 202-688-2424.
Mail the completed form to us at TheCapitol.Net, Inc., PO Box 25706, Alexandria, VA 22313-5706
This Sponsored Course Requires Four Hours
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Approved for .4 CEUs from George Mason University.
All of our courses and workshops include extensive interaction with our faculty, making our courses and workshops both educational and mini-consulting sessions with substantive experts.
Rave Reviews
"An incoming budget analyst should be required to take this."
"Impressed with depth of knowledge. An overall better understanding of how Congress works and who the major players will be in the 112th."
-- Course Attendee
"Useful background for understanding some of US political mechanisms."
-- Assistant Naval Attache, British Defence Staff, British Embassy
"Excellent overview of the government and the legislative process."
-- Workshop Attendee, Sandia National Laboratories
"Excellent synopsis in a short period of time - good coverage of the technical and the political."
-- Course Attendee
"I would encourage people with the same work experience [5 years] to attend this program. It has enhanced my understanding, cleared confusion, and dusted off previous knowledge."
-- Manager, Food Distributors International
"Would recommend to someone with little or no previous congressional experience."
-- Program Analyst, DEA
"A good, thorough introduction. Materials are helpful reference."
-- Course Attendee
"Program provides attendee a broad understanding of all facets of Congress. Excellent!"
-- Captain, Air Combat Command, Financial Analysis
"Very useful program.... The speakers brought out points that aren't usually discussed."
-- Paralegal
"Good general info for foreign diplomat."
-- Attaché, foreign embassy
See more testimonials about this course.
Our faculty, Hill veterans all, bring Congress to life with colorful examples of Congress in action.
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Martha AngleRon ElvingKaren FoerstelDavid HawkingsRobert HealyJackie KoszczukGebe MartinezPaul RundquistOur ClientsCongressional OfficesFederal AgenciesMilitaryNGOs and NonprofitsDiplomatic CorpsFortune 500Law FirmsLobbying FirmsLabor UnionsAssociations Also See Congress - Published Schedules Congress by the Numbers Congressional Documents Online Congressional Leadership and Committees (listing) Federal Budget Links and Research Tools Glossary of Congressional and Legislative Terms Legislation and Legislatures, including national, state and local links Resumes of Congressional Activity Capital Learning Audio CoursesTM