Faculty and Authors
Independent, subject matter experts who know how Washington works.
encompasses a dynamic team of more than 150 faculty members and
all of whom are independent subject matter experts and veterans
in their fields.
previous and current faculty and authors include senior government
executives, former Congressional members, Hill and agency staff,
editors and journalists, lobbyists, lawyers, nonprofit executives
and scholars.
faculty's professional associations
include the academy, media, law and lobbying firms, and government
Our faculty and
authors understand Washington, each carefully selected for their
ability to teach others, both in person and in print
what our clients say about our faculty and training
what others say
about our publications
If you're interested in teaching or writing for TheCapitol.Net,
please see our opportunities page
See Faculty Favorites
on Hobnob Blog
for a few places our faculty and authors like best in Washington,
DC, and their favorite books and movies.
Some of the people who have written or taught for us
Philip Joyce
University of Maryland
Robert S. Walker
Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates
Bob Healy
CQ-Roll Call Group
John Schwartz
The New York Times
The American University
School of Public Affairs
Michael Shannon
Mandate: Message, Media and Public Relations
Former Member of Congress Thomas Mann
Brookings Institution
Tobias A. Dorsey
Legislative Drafter's Deskbook
Martha Angle
Editorial Consulatnt
CQ-Roll Call Group)
Steven Keller
George Washington University
Martin Gold
Covington & Burling
Forbidden Citizens
Former Member of Congress
Jack Holt
Blue Ridge Information Systems
Beth Gaston
USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Mary Agnes Carey
Kaiser Health News
Tony Capaccio
Bloomberg News
Stan Collender
Ken Ackerman
Olsson Frank Weeda Terman Bode Matz PC
Author, Federal
Regulatory Process Poster
Sheila Kast
James Pfiffner
George Mason University
Gordon Adams
George Washington University
Jim Chapman
Bracewell & Giuliani
Tom Downey
Downey McGrath Group
David Skaggs
Center for Democracy and Citizenship
Jim Thurber
Center for Congressional & Presidential Studies
American University Ned Monroe
National Automatic Merchandising Association
Robert Dove
George Washington University
(Former Senate Parliamentarian)
A. Lee Fritschler
George Mason University
Bryan Hubbard
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Rhodes Cook
The Rhodes Cook Letter
Pat Towell
Congressional Scholar Al Hunt
Washington Managing Editor
Bloomberg News
Steve Roberts
George Washington University
Norman Ornstein
American Enterprise Institute
Mark Stencel
Cornelius M. Kerwin
American University
Sandy Davis
Ann Compton
ABC News
Allen Schick
School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland
Karen Foerstel
The Nature Conservancy
Walter Pincus
The Washington Post
Charlie Cook
Cook & Company
Jeffrey Biggs
APSA Congressional Fellowship Program
Peter Loge
Milo Public Affairs
Dennis Eckart
Former Member of Congress
Bill Heniff Jr.
Congressional Scholar
Peggy Garvin
Garvin Information Consulting
Vic Fazio
Akin Gump Sonia Fois
Arnold & Porter Ron Elving
National Public Radio
William Kristol
The Weekly Standard
Jack Schenendorf
Covington & Burling
Gebe Martinez
Freelance Journalist
David Hawkings
CQ-Roll Call Group
William LaForge
Testifying Before Congress
Ron Faucheux
Clarus Research Group
See some
of our
faculty's professional associations.
To see brief bios of selected faculty and authors,
select the alphabetic ranges.
TheCapitol.Net is a non-partisan firm, and the opinions of its faculty,
authors, clients and the owners and operators of its vendors are their
own and do not represent those of TheCapitol.Net.